Monday, January 9, 2012

Calm instead of confusion

For God is no the author of confusion but of peace.... 1 Corinthians 14:33

Confusion:  1. the act of confusing.
2. the state of being confused.
3. disorder; upheaval; tumult; chaos: The army retreated in confusion.
4. lack of clearness or distinctness: a confusion in his mind between right and wrong.
5. perplexity; bewilderment: The more difficult questions left us in complete confusion.

It's the start of week 2 on my journey of creating a clean heart.  Although I do have to say that barely anything was accomplished during week 1.  I could blame a number of reasons why I did not get anything done (hubby was home on leave, I slept in, the kids, the animals, etc.) but instead, I will put that ownership right square on my shoulders where it belongs.  Plain and simple, I did not do anything because I was LAZY!!!!!  That's not to say that some things did not get done - but ultimately, my goal of starting off the new year by getting my house cleaned and organized did not go anywhere.  I KNOW that I need to get up and clean, but then I get on FB, or go check my email, or do anything else other than get up and clean. I am tired of being lazy and my house reflecting it but I find it really difficult to break out of the chains that bind me.  But the most wonderful news is that it is a new week and I can do this. 

Week 2 is all about creating a calm out of the confusion - and with having 2 almost 3 year olds there tends to be LOTS of confusion!!!!  Someone is almost always crying or screaming or fighting.  And my response is to shrink further into the couch and attempt to ignore.  Not because I don't care but because I am overwhelmed by the upheavel they can bring.  I know this is not a positive way to approach things but I can honestly say "I AM OUT-NUMBERED!!!!!"  Somehow, I have got to start making order out of the confusion (read  disorder; upheaval; tumult; chaos; lack of clearness or distinctness; perplexity; bewilderment) before all control is lost and the house and people in it begin to run even further amok.

Our task for this week is to "create a calm {chaos & confusion FREE} area in your home to spend time seeking HIS peace. Clear the clutter from your desk or find a comfy chair in the corner of a room. Clear out the distractions & organize the items that you use to SEEK HIM!"  I know that I need to do this.  I need to take time everyday to spend with him asking for guidance.  And I also know that unless I schedule this time on my calendar and make an area to spend this time, it won't get done.  So I am off to figure out how to create calm in my confusion and  how to bring peace back into my heart. 

Psalm 119:165 "Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble."

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